Tuesday, May 25, 2021

More on Fauci

Fauci Says COVID May Have Been From a Lab, Then Admits to Funding Chinese Labs

"During an interview with far-left opinion source 'Politifact' or better known as 'Politopinion,' Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted that COVID-19 may have come from a lab and also admitted that he helped fund Chinese labs in the past.

The comments from Fauci ironically came while speaking to Politifact, an organization that has proven themselves to be radical-left, false news."

Read about it...


  1. would be nice if the stories would stay the same.no wonder people are confused

  2. Dr. Fauci has never had so much fun. He's the first scientist/comedian to make such a hit on TV in my lifetime. We used to have real funny shows on TV. Now, we have funny Scientists.
