Sunday, May 16, 2021

Marjorie Taylor Green's feud with AOC

Pelosi calls Rep. Greene’s latest argument with AOC ‘verbal assault’

Of course, Pelosi is credited with outrageous statements:
  • “Civilization as we know it today would be in jeopardy if the Republicans win the Senate.”
  • “[Republicans] were trying to get away with murder, actually, the murder of George Floyd.” (CBS News Radio, 6/23/2020)
  • "Marjorie Taylor Greene is a cause for trauma & fear among members of Congress."
Read about Marjorie Taylor Greene who said to AOC, "Stop supporting policies that kill jobs, destroy their future, and encourage women to kill their babies."

Truth kills the Democrats.


  1. The more Nasty Piglosi talks about Taylor Green, the more I LOVE Taylor Green.

  2. Yes 1;25 that's good! You love her, and your party goes down the toilet with her. You're a smart person.

  3. @4:36...that's NOT going to happen.

  4. 4:36, I would love to hear an accomplishment from your party.

    Go ahead, I will wait.

    Oh wait, how about a positive accomplishment for the United States.


  5. Trump lost the White House, the House and the Senate while he was in office.

    It already did happen.

  6. 1:25, OUR party is the intelligent party. May I remind you that you are the one trolling a conservative blog. And you know its a group of conservatives, so you like to surround yourself with intelligent people. Its ok, you can pretend to support the America Last agenda of biden/harry ass, but secretly, you are waiting to join the intelligent party.

  7. @6:36--Democrats suffered a loss of 13 seats in the House, reducing their margin from 36 to just 10 in 2020. The Senate is now 50/50.

  8. So who controls the White House, Senate and the House? And who controlled them in 2018?

    I mean, this is simple stuff here.

    But, by all means, keep supporting a loser. It's better for America and Americans.

  9. @7:38--the main losers, even if they won, are JOE BIDEN, The Squad, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters and the list is long.
    As said, the Senate is split and the other loser, Kamala Harris, can break that tie.
    I don't know why you believe destroying our country is some sort of a "win"

  10. "the main losers, even if they won"


  11. Trump won and we all know it - even sleepy Joe.

  12. Slow Joe and the Hoe STOLE the election at 4 AM on Nov 4th. They know it and so do we.

  13. Get over it, Lynn. Seriously. Americans cast 7 million more votes for Biden than they did for Your God.

    Maybe we should drive around with flags hanging off our cars and have boat parades and create images of a bulked out Biden with boxing gloves on.

    Or maybe we won't because we're not a cult and we love our country more than we love one man.

    You lost. Suck it up, buttercups.

  14. @8:00am--America lost! The Republican Party is not a "cult." I know you liberals love to twist words and denigrate anyone who is not a socialist, communist, Marxist and who wants America great. Name one thing that Biden has done than makes sense or is good for our country? One thing. Doesn't exist.

  15. For anonymous who tried to post here on
    Biden's "accomplishments" The comment was rejected as there are ZERO, ZIP, NADA accomplishments by Biden. And posting from CNN, the biggest POS news media in existence, is laughable.

  16. 8 am: seven million votes that materialized out of nowhere for Basement Biden.

  17. They should have never given women the right to vote.

    Look at that picture, and never forget it! 4 uneducated miserable crones. Running the country yet?

  18. @9:07...LOL.
    I will agree that the Squad members are horrible...enemies of the country.
