Saturday, May 8, 2021

Lake Worth just can't get enough development!

Lake Worth Beach approves 230-unit multifamily development

City commissioners also amended a program that awards “bonus” levels of building height and density

This is a program that has been abused...abused by developers and the City of Lake Worth.

We have zoning codes for a reason and it's not to hustle developers for cash and more density. We have told the city for decades that we do not want more density. No commission ever listens.

"Advantis, is a cluster of four residential buildings that will range from three stories to five stories on a 6.39-acre development site at the northwest corner of 10th Avenue North and Boutwell Road. This area is one of the most congested areas in this city without development."

William Waters, Sustainability Director, suggested that commissioners adopt the zoning-in-progress option because “it would not send as negative of a message as a moratorium might.” They went along with that.

Read about it...


  1. Well just so it looks better than the monstrosity they built at 3rd Avenue South and J Street, across from Publix.

    I can't believe anything that ugly got off of the drawing board. Usually, it takes years for a building to become an eyesore. Here they built eyesore right into it. That should actually be the name of it.

    The Eyesore in Lake Worth Beach

    The builder should be arrested by the taste police!

  2. What's there now? It seems like that big lot is the SW corner.

  3. Many of the older properties are not being taken care of. They will eventually be torn down.

    If Lake Worth needs a larger tax base, they need to build. (Yes, not so many, so big). BUT, ugly is very subjective. I personally think most of the murals on the buildings are very, very ugly. Many other's do not agree. Take a close look at the Bizarre Cafe building on S H St and Lake Ave. YUCK if you ask me.

  4. @6:17...I agree. The murals are terrible especially on our Annex building which is totally inappropriate.

    The amazing thing is, I came from a town in New Jersey that did not need to keep building for a tax base. The town looks the same today as it did when I was a kid.The only difference is with then and today, no one can afford to live there unless you are super wealthy as the homes are $1M plus.

    So, what is the secret? Build some decent properties to begin with. We have a resource preservation Board that makes people go through hoops but I see noting changing in this city other than more poor people and illegals coming here and more rentals with owners not taking care of their property.

  5. I don't like murals, and I don't like graffiti. Express yourself on your own property, don't inflict your taste on the rest of us. I don't see any Great Masterworks springing up anywhere.

    One Exception: I do like the painted fire hydrants; also, those horrible utility boxes are greatly improved with whatever coverings they put over them.

  6. I agree with @12:14

    The utility boxes do look better.

    Its sad that a home owner has to jump through hoops to get hurricane impact windows, but commercial owners do not have to go through hoops to paint ugliness on buildings. As Lynn mentioned above, the city hall annex looks horrible, and is more of an embarrassment than art.

  7. The "build a bridge" mural on "L st" is an insult to legal immigration. If anything, political murals are Commie.
