Sunday, May 30, 2021

"Jan 6th greatest assault since the Civil War on the Capitol," says Biden

Message to Biden: Jan. 6th is Not the Worst Attack in D.C. Since the Civil War

"Joe Biden continues to lie about the severity of the incursion of the Capitol building on Jan. 6th when he says it was the “worst attack since the Civil War.” Sorry, pal, not even close.

First of all, the Confederate Army never even got into Washington D.C. proper. The closest they got was 6 miles away when C.S. General Jubal Early tried a raid toward the Yankee Capital in 1864. So, in fact, the C.S.A. never launched a serious attack on D.C. during the war. And in the only case where they got close, Early and his troops were so exhausted, they ended up being not much of a threat even when they did.

But, even if you fudge the situation and claim that the rebel general got “close enough,” there have been more than a dozen incidents since the Civil War that were far worse than the day this year when a handful of protesters broke a glass and did a little sight-seeing."

Read about the attacks on Washington


  1. the worse attack on d.c. is the democrats

  2. Dumpstercrats are the worst attack on DC. Especially with this woke dumpstercrats.
