Sunday, May 30, 2021

Illinois Senate Passed a bill to make Illinois a Sanctuary State

llinois Senate Passes Bill Strengthening Legal Protection For Immigrants/ILLEGALS

The bill that passed in the Senate 36/19 would prevent state and local law enforcement agencies from collaborating with federal agencies such as Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or from otherwise inquiring about an individual’s immigration status unless presented with a federal warrant.

Under SB 667, all existing immigrant detention centers in the state would be required to close by Jan. 1, 2022. The bill would also allow the state attorney general’s office to investigate violations of the TRUST Act and enforce compliance through local courts.

Chicago Democrat Omar Aquino introduced the bill and said that law enforcement still could do its job--"The bill would not prevent law enforcement agencies from investigating or detaining individuals in violation of criminal law." Good luck to that.

Read about the insanity

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