Sunday, May 9, 2021

Democrats now trying to make FCC political

Dems Want FCC to Block Conservative Co.’s Radio Station Deal after Firing of Clinton Fundraiser

Democrats in Congress want the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to block the sale of a tiny south Florida radio station because the new owner fired a Hillary Clinton fundraiser who once served as mayor of a local city.

The politician turned radio host, Raul Martinez, was the Spanish-language station’s top host before a conservative media conglomerate bought it and changed the liberal-leaning programming.

The deal received sparse local media coverage but earned national attention when lawmakers in Washington D.C. asked a federal agency to reject the sale for what appears to be political reasons.

Read about it... and how Democrats continue to try and suppress conservatives.

1 comment:

  1. I don't recall hearing any mention of VE day, which was yesterday. Putin addressed it, but I guess in the US, it's not important anymore. It's inconceivable to me that I didn't hear a word about it. More importantly, we should grouse endlessly about a Chinese Rocket, that everyone knew very well, was not going to crash and burn here.

    Only, the little boy who sang the National Anthem was astute enough to know that yesterday, was probably the most important day in the history of our country.
