Sunday, May 2, 2021

Dark Days Ahead

Priest Condemns Anyone in Congregation Who Voted Biden, Warns About 'Dark Days'

Read about it...


  1. i want my religious beleifs and voting rights.its not up to a priest,rabbi or preacher to codemn anyone for the way they vote.dont forget we didnt like rev right for his hate

  2. The Catholics have been here for Two Thousand Years. They have always been involved in politics. While you may be right in principle, The Catholics are not going to change.

  3. Cute anonymous at 12:40. You are comparing Reverend Wright who said "God damn America" to a priest condemning killing babies, etc?--to an administration against the freedom of religion and worshiping God without fear---
    As he said, the only thing evil needs is for good people to remain silent, holy people to remain quiet.
    Reverend Wright condemned the greatest country on Earth that has given more freedoms to every citizen in the world. This Priest is condemning one terrible elected official who would take away those freedoms.
    He was right, wasn't he?

  4. Abortion is legal. Homicide is not. One of the reasons we have our court system is to have judges listen to evidence and then render an opinion based upon the evidence.

    Roe v. Wade will be challenged. If it is overturned, it will be illegal.

    Until then, you and extremist priests can make up whatever names you want to for it. But it's legal.

    I'm really curious what you would call a priest who yelled at Trump voters from the altar for voting the way they did? Actually I know what you would call him.
