Monday, May 24, 2021

Boz Scaggs

To change the pace a little--
Recently someone by the name of Boz Scaggs friended me on Twitter.I rarely use Twitter and have no clue if he is the same Boz Scaggs who recorded this song in the 1980's Urban Cowboy staring John Travolta. But this is one of my all time favorites.

1 comment:

  1. To the a-H who just tried to post...I don't give a dam* if he's the real Boz Scaggs who friended me on Twitter. I don't go to extremes like you do.
    I don't have any following on Twitter as I seldom go to that social media.
    It triggered the fact that the song is one of my all time favorites.
    Boz Scaggs wrote some really great songs.
    Why don't you go pester someone else? You really need a doctor.
