Thursday, May 27, 2021

Black Lives Matter and so do All Lives Matter

Rep. Pressley who serves in Massachusetts 7th District Demands Laws to ‘Affirm that Black Lives Matter’

"We will codify the value of Black lives in our policies and in our budgets, and that is not just one bill. So I hope that my colleagues have the political will, the courage and the stamina for the work that is really going to be necessary to assert and to affirm once and for all that Black Lives Matter and to give families the accountability and the healing that they deserve.

I just want us to pass laws that are going to keep Black Americans and other marginalized communities alive, period. That is about making investments in communities to meet the most basic needs,” said Ayanna Pressley who is part of The Squad.

Read about it...

Leo Terrell has a different view: "This is why Black Lives Matter is basically, in my opinion, the Al Sharpton of the 21st century. They're profiteers. They are profiting on trying to give a narrative, a false narrative that is white racist cops, deaths destroying the black community," said Leo Terrell, a Black Civil Rights Attorney.

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