Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Biden Staff Remove Arab Americans from Event

A group of about 15-20 Arab-American men, who according to our source, registered for the Jill Biden event and came with copies of their confirmation, were kicked off of a sidewalk on Warren Ave., just outside of Jill Biden’s pathetically small gathering.

As Secret Service and police officers were aggressively moving the dozen or so Arab-American men off the sidewalk and brick wall around the parking lot, the men can be heard saying that they signed up for the event. “We were invited,” adding, “We all got emails from the campaign, to be here!” one of the men exclaimed. “Get over there!” the Secret Service agent told them, as he shooed men holding Biden-Harris signs away from the event, and across the street.

Folks, stop falling for the Democrats' garbage rhetoric. Conservatives in large are not racists. Liberals at large are.

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