Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Antifa not welcomed in Florida

Gov. Ron DeSantis warns Antifa to stay out of Florida

Consequences ‘will be swift and they will be severe'

"There's a lot of places around this country that have not stood by law enforcement, and the tragedy of it is, you're seeing crime spike in certain parts of our country like we haven't seen in decades," he explained. "The people that are going to be most affected by that are the most vulnerable members of our society."

Read about it...


  1. When they gather en masse on the National Mall and then rush the steps of the U.S. Capitol Building, violently assaulting police officers and law enforcement personnel along the way, then roam the halls of the building looking for congressional representatives and the VP of U.S., I'll start to worry.

  2. Policy has been set. No looting, burning down businesses, no killings by Marxist’s punks in our state.

  3. The nice thing about laws is that they apply to everyone. Even Trump supporters.

    Watch what happens when this law is used to prosecute Proud Boys who decide to attack counter protestors at one of their get togethers. Do you realize how many people will be arrested is Charlottesville happens in Florida?

    I like law & order. For everyone.

  4. 7:18 is such a pain in the butt.

    You keep spewing CNN (Cartoon news for no brainers).

    DeSantis is the best governor in the United States. He is making sure NOBODY is harassed and no business gets harmed by those lunatic lefters dumpstercrats.

  5. First of all, Proud boys has no reason to come to Florida because DeSantis will NOT allow antifa and BLM punks in our state causing destruction in our cities.
    Charlottesville was a peaceful rally until your Democrat left-wing Marxist goons appeared on the scene @7:32.

  6. 7:18 off subject. January 6 was a scam perpetrated by Antifa. Idiots fell for it and Pelosi's agenda. Our great Governor doesn't want Portland here, do you? MSM is covering up these crimes against prosperity.
