Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Trump Confident Republicans will win again

Trump says he’s confident The White House will be Occupied By A Republican in 2024

“I stand before you this evening filled with confidence that in 2022, we are going to take back the House (of Representatives) and we are going to reclaim the Senate. And then in 2024, a Republican candidate is going to win the White House."
With all of Biden's horrible and destructive policies, I just pray that we still have a country by that time. That is how dire it is.

Read about it...


  1. From his lips to God's ears!


  2. NOTE--Anti-Trump comments will NOT be posted here.

  3. Whether you post it or not, Lynn, you know the tide is turning. He's not going to run. The Republicans are just trying to pacify him.

    Put on your psychologists hat!

  4. @8:39. I never said Trump would run again. I believe 100% that he will not. I don't need to put on a hat to figure that one out. Thanks for your smart comment.
    On top of that, I didn't say that he would run again. No one is "trying to pacify" Trump.
    Go some place where the communists will love ya.

  5. 8:39 doesn't matter. There are many good men to choose from to end this disaster.
