Saturday, April 24, 2021

The Irony of it all

O.J. Simpson Blasts LeBron and Media, Defends Police Saving Girl from Being Stabbed

LeBron James has been flopping on the Internet like someone lightly touched him during a playoff game. It started with the officer-involved shooting in Columbus.

LeBron of course attacked the police, like most ignorant dickheads who don't wait for facts. He threatened the officer, deleted the tweet, the whined that people were being mean to him. Or more specifically were using his words — threatening a police officer — to "created more racism." Now that the facts are in, turns out the cop stopped a girl from being stabbed to death.

O.J. Simpson shared his thoughts on the matter via Twitter.

O.J. Simpson @TheRealOJ32

· Wait for the facts! #LeBronJames


  1. If the saved girl was Lebron's daughter, he would not be playing the race card. He would be thankful a "white cop" saved his daughter's life.

    May just look to play the race card. It seems to be the democrat thing to do.

  2. What is it they say? Even a broken clock is right twice a day!

  3. Thanks for this. OJ made one little mistake in his life and he's been crucified for it since. Who doesn't have skeletons, right? The man thinks like you and me and people of our kind and I like that.

  4. @5:41...obviously you are trying to put us on. No one can be that obtuse.

  5. there is no way that OJ Simpson thinks like anyone. He is a fuc-ing murderer who had slick lawyers who got him off. He doesn't think like me nor does he think like of 99.9% of society.

  6. "If the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit"

    What a miscarriage of justice!
