Sunday, April 18, 2021

Terrorists still alive and thriving under our Democracy

Until they're caught!

Liberal Judge Gave Terrorists Smack on the Wrist

Illinois man has been sentenced to no more than 13 years behind bars for conspiring to provide cell phone bomb detonators to the Islamic State of Iraq and al Sham (ISIS).

Edward Schimenti, a 39-year-old from the Chicago suburb Zion, was sentenced to 162 months in prison by U.S. District Judge Andrea Wood on Friday, according to a news release from the Department of Justice. A federal jury convicted Schimenti on one count of conspiracy to provide material support and resources to ISIS and one count of lying to the FBI in 2019.

The FBI opened an investigation into Schimenti and co-conspirator Joseph Jones, 38, due to "troubling" comments they made online, according to The Chicago Sun-Times. Wood sentenced Jones to 12 years in prison in March. He was convicted on the same conspiracy charge as Schimenti in 2019. [Newsweek]


Terrorists still alive and well in America. And more are crossing our border under Biden. They’re now finding people from Yemen, Iran and Turkey as well as people on the terrorist watch list according to Kevin McCarthy.

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