Friday, April 23, 2021

Term Limits for Florida School Boards

Florida House signs off on school board term limits

The Florida House on Wednesday passed a measure that would ask voters in 2022 to impose eight-year term limits on county school board members.

The House voted 87-30 to approve the proposed constitutional amendment (HJR 1461).

I believe in term limits for just about everyone holding a public office. BUT, Omari Hardy disagrees..."Rep. Omari Hardy, D-West Palm Beach, asserted "that limiting school board members’ terms would create a power imbalance favoring, for example, lobbyists." But of course, all Democrats want term limits now for Supreme Court Justices."

On November 3, 1992, almost 77 percent of Florida voters backed Amendment 9, the Florida Term Limits Amendment, which amended the State Constitution, to enact eight-year term limits on federal and state officials. Under the amendment, former members can be elected again after a two-year break.

This will now go to the Florida Senate and if passed, will be an amendment to the Florida Constitution and voted on at this year's general election.

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