Wednesday, April 21, 2021

"Systemic Racism" charge in Chicago is a LIE

Chicago's mayor, her underlings, and their friends in the BLM activist sector have been running around saying Chicago is soaked in "systemic racism."

So, let's review some of that "racism":

1. Democrats have controlled the Chicago Mayor's office for 89 years.
2. Chicago's mayor is black.
3. Chicago's Superintendent of Police is black.
4. Cook County's States' Attorney is black.
5. The Chief Judge of Cook County Circuit Courts is black.
6. Illinois' Attorney General is black.
7. Chicago's Fire Department Commissioner is black.
8. Cook County's Board President is black.
9. Illinois' State Senate Majority Leader is black.
10. Illinois's Lieutenant Governor is black.
11. Illinois' Secretary of State is black.
12. Cook County's Clerk of the Circuit Court is black.
13. Cook County's Clerk is black.
14. Chicago's Treasurer is black.
15. Chicago's Police Board President is black.
16. Chicago's Transit Authority President is black.
17. Chicago's CEO of Public Schools is black.
18. Chicago's Commissioner of the Department of Water Management is black.
19. 40% of the City Council are members of the Black Caucus.
20. Their average pay is $122,304/year each, PLUS $122,000/year each in expenses.
21. Their pension for life is 80% of last pay.
22. Republican head count in the City Council is ZERO.
23, William Hale Thompson was the last Republican Mayor of Chicago in 1931.
24. Of 2,240 Shootings, 97.7% of the shooters were black however BLM, ANTIFA and the democrats assign blame to law enforcement and "systemic racism."
25. At the end of fiscal 2019 Chicago's deficit was $838,200,000! Is that all a result of "systemic racism"?

Warne Todd Houston


  1. that is very good. thanks for posting.

  2. Amazing!

    Racism at its best. Maybe a certain race needs to be held accountable for their behavior.

  3. Yes this list is an example of systematic racism. It's time for these abuses to be called out.
