Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Omari Hardy throws hat in ring for Alcee Hasting's seat

"Troublemaker Extraordinaire"

State Rep. Omari Hardy to run for Alcee Hastings' congressional seat

"Hardy, the former Lake Worth Beach city commissioner turned state representative, announced Wednesday he will run to fill the congressional seat left open by the death of U.S. Rep. Alcee Hastings on April 6.

The decision comes only six months after Hardy, 31, routed opponents in the Democratic primary and general election to win a two-year term representing District 88 — which extends from Delray Beach to Riviera Beach — in Tallahassee."

Read about Omari...


  1. shocking but really not. This guy has a huge ego.

  2. Does he give up current seat to run?

    We need to vote a black man into this office. One with political aspirations. One with political experience. A well spoken black man who is there for his people. Yes folks, I think Mack Bernard is running, and would love our votes.

    Omari can eat dirt!!!

  3. Hopefully, this district will re redrawn and a Republican might have a chance to win.

  4. Well, I hope they don't redistrict him into my district. I think at one time, Hastings did represent part of Lake Worth.
