Saturday, April 24, 2021

National Hysteria over Illusive Asian "Hate" crimes

Only one GOP Senator Stood up!

Indeed, there is some immense national hysteria over “anti-Asian hate crimes.” This issue seemed to come about almost overnight simply because there was some feverish attention from the liberal news media.

Apparently there were a few crimes against Asians that might have had something to do with the China virus. One crime was a mass shooting in Atlanta where 6 Asian women were killed by some sick pervert who had frequented massage parlors where they worked. It was not a hate crime but the warped media ran with that possibility.

And on April 6, this made-up hate crime affected Lake Worth when  Commissioner Kimberly Stokes, a Democrat Socialist, proposed the resolution against Asian hate. Of course, we have none in Lake Worth but Democrats love to tell everyone they are the great unifiers. Actually, they are the ones causing the riots and hate throughout the country.

"The measure, which would create a Justice Department position focusing on the issue and beef up state and local hate crime reporting, soared through the chamber by a 94-1 vote. Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) was the only vote against the bill." [Politico]


  1. Do you know why Josh Hawley said he voted against it, Lynn?

    It's not what you think.

    But thanks (again) for letting everyone who reads this blog know who you are and what you represent.

    And if I ever see you in my Olive Garden again, I'll personally come up to you and ask you to see yourself to the door.

  2. LOL--the Olive Garden loves me...even gave me a free dessert when I wore my MAGA hat, etc.

    Josh Hawley stood up for what he believes. You think its because he doesn't like you because you are a lesbian. It's not about you.

    “It’s too broad. As a former prosecutor, my view is it’s dangerous to simply give the federal government open-ended authority to define a whole new class of federal hate crime incidents.”

  3. Hawley saw the big picture.

  4. We know that what you quote from the Harvard study is true, but we have to un-know it to get by in this world.

    I don't know how long this is going to go on, but if there isn't some push-back soon, I fear the American Story is not going to have a happy ending.

    It began and will end with social media. RIP America!
