Monday, April 26, 2021

Georgia Election Audit

Over 12,000 Illegal Votes Discovered in Georgia…Enough to Overturn Results

But something happened in the election and we are mad about it because we know the truth; we’ve seen the evidence yet the Democrats are deliberately trying to hide evidence and commit a cover-up of what really happened that day in the days following.

Georgia was one of these key states and President Trump was winning Georgia very easily until a series of events happened which magically led to Joe Biden winning the state. The margin that he won by was very slim just enough to edge out President Trump ironically.

Read the Report by Look Ahead America, an elections integrity organization. Audits are much more likely to prevent fraud and produce greater voter confidence in the results for all future elections.

In the middle of the night of Nov. 5, some 20,000 mail-in votes suddenly appeared for Joe Biden, while approximately 1,000 votes for President Trump mysteriously disappeared from his own totals.


  1. Everybody knows that Trump won in a landslide. Including the Democrats. An ancient white guy with dementia gets more votes than Obama? Bullshit. The Democrats are panicked and pushing their radical America Last agenda because they know the party is going to be over real soon. The masks are coming off. Literally. The American people have had enough.

  2. Well said - I wholeheartedly agree!! Trump Won and he is still our President.
