Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Florida: Law and Order Anti-Riot bill

OMARI--This is a great bill. Florida will never be like Portland.

State Rep. Omari Hardy says, 'Anti-riot' bill is meant to confuse & discourage peaceful protesters,


  1. It may discourage some from peaceful protesting. The ones too stupid to know the difference between riot and peaceful protest maybe should just stay home!

    Maybe Omari should just stay home.

    Nobody cares what he thinks.

  2. Riot.Protest.2 different words with 2 different meanings. Go back to school Omari.

  3. I think we've had enough protesting for awhile. Protesting has become a cottage industry. Go back to work-forget about protesting. They don't even know what they are protesting about.

    Bunch of idlers. Sleep all day, and get up and protest and break windows until curfew.

    Beats working, and they get Unemployment Compensation!

  4. omari is a racist that doesnt know riot from careful he wants bidens job
