Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Facemasks are Ineffective

Stanford Study Results: Facemasks are Ineffective to Block Transmission of COVID-19

and Actually Can Cause Health Deterioration and Premature Death

Read the Report on Facemasks

Can governors across the country follow Ron DeSantis on facemasks?


  1. Why you would want to pass on dangerous misinformation to your readers is beyond me but this information was disproved months ago.

    "This study is not affiliated with Stanford University, nor does the author work for the Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System as he claims. The study presents a hypothesis that includes false claims about the health effects of wearing masks. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continues to recommend wearing face coverings to reduce the spread of COVID-19, as research shows they can block the transmission of respiratory droplets, which spread the virus."

  2. You wear your facemask and stay healthy.
    Masks create a false sense of security that could end up putting people at greater risk. Even with the mouth and nose fully covered, the virus can still enter through the eye.
    You can contaminate yourself by just moving the mask. Cloth masks and poor quality surgical face masks will not filter fine respiratory droplets and certainly not aerosols.
    So, wear your mask and I will follow Governor DeSantis.
    Are you fully vaccinated yet?

  3. Wow! Anonymous at 9:18am.....You are saying that you would desire to REMOVE Scientific papers submitted in major research publications so that the people of America do not see another side of this Scientific Debate and issue? Science is about questioning a theory and then proving or disproving it. If you prevent any idea or opinion that differs from what is accepted by the government, you do NOT have Science, you have Agenda and policy. Everyone should avoid watching news by ignorant TV anchors with no understanding of the actual science. Reading and many other papers with multiple takes on the pros and cons of the mask issue would develop a population that actually knew something of the science, as opposed to just knowing the headlines from the propaganda ministry and CNN ( sorry for repeating myself :-) ) How about apologizing to Lynn!

  4. 9:18, you are right! You wear your mask for the next 3 years, and let everyone else enjoy their freedoms.

    Bridge for sale!

  5. Hey you wear seatbelts? Do you stop at red lights? Do you smoke cigarettes or hang around people who do?

    Why do you let the government tell you what is dangerous? posted a picture mid last year wearing a mask and bragged that you had obtained an N95. Don't be a hypocrite.

  6. @4:25 I wear a mask only when required. The N95 was a present from a friend who was in the medical field. Has nothing to do with hypocrisy. Why don’t you go somewhere and harass someone else.
    In case you forgot, we have a NO mask mandate now in our state.

  7. To Anonymous at 4:25
    I do not wear seat belts "because of" the law and government...I wear them because in the infinitesimally small chance that I get into a crash, that they would help prevent injury. I don't need a politician or a news anchor/moron reading a script to tell me I need to wear seat belts.

    I stop at red lights because when you elect to drive a car in the USA, to do so we must all follow basic rules that have been agreed on for a century--so that we do not run into each other. This has NOTHING to do with following a new rule, made by an ignorant politician, that knew nothing of virology or health strategies, but that listened to Dr Mengele Fauci, a man that helped cause COVID with the Gain of Function Research he paid for in Wuhan, China, to the tune of millions of dollars...On behalf of the NIH. Fauci is set up to become part of the new Ruling class, should the Great Reset succeed, thanks to his work to lie to the world, and to bring out the Coward in most Americans.

    I could care less about government proclamations about danger unless it is a military threat or weather-related threat they have some advanced knowledge of....What the government thinks is dangerous regarding Covid 19, is as important to me as the concerns of a 4-year-old child - about the sky falling down upon us.

  8. LOL, have me laughing out loud! :)

  9. Excellent reply, Dan.

  10. It didn't take me long to recognize that Fauci was a fraud. I don't know why others haven't seen through him.

    Today, I saw a man sitting alone in a Bentley with his mask on. If that's not brainwashing, I don't know what is. The problem is, he's not alone. I'm afraid this is going to become a fight to the finish.

    Of all the ways you could imagine the end of the American Empire, it wouldn't be over a not so fatal virus that mainly infected the very old and not so healthy to begin with.

    Rest in Peace!

  11. You're right, Dan. Rules and laws are usually created for good reasons.

    Definitely something to think about.

  12. Don't forget that in the 1950's to 1970's Rules and laws were created for good and valid reasons, but that in 2021 Rules and Laws are being created to destroy American culture, and for the Democratic Communists to change America to a One-Party system they can force Americans into the One-World-Government with. If you don't see this, you are likely to be a Communist or Socialist, whether you know it or not. What would be certain is that those that don't see this -- watch CNN or the other propaganda outlets of the Mainstream News Media.

  13. The real Stanford University has come out with a statement disavowing this reporting.

    Whatever you feel about masks, it's wrong to knowingly spread information that is falsely attributed to an prestigious university. And when you think about it, if it was a legitimate point, you wouldn't feel the need to do that.

  14. @7:56...fact checking is your game. I discount anything fact-checked by Fake News and media with its liberal bias.

  15. To anon at 7:56
    The research article linked is

    Regarding is easy to see this, and impossible for Stanford to deny..
    Cardiology Division, Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System/Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, United States
    ⁎Address: VA Palo Alto Health Care System, Cardiology 111C, 3801 Miranda Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, United States.
    It is on the paper, and it is published. What is actually important, not that an ignorant socialist could ever figure this out, is that papers like this need to cause other researchers to attempt to duplicate the studies and findings, and to either prove or disprove....With Socialist "policy/agenda" instead of the Scientific Method, there can be Science. Just another reason I HATE Socialists.

  16. edit possible...should have read as...With Socialist "policy/agenda" instead of the Scientific Method, there can be NO Science.

  17. I'm getting to this post late, but do people think that Stanford University is lying when they say they had nothing to do with the study? I'm trying to understand why they would lie about that. Thank you.

  18. @4:32 please read Dan’s post at 10:37

  19. I have and that is why is why I'm confused. Dan seems to be saying that Stanford University is lying about their involvement in the study but I can't figure out a reason why they would do that. If they were part of the study, why not say they were instead of issuing a specific statement denying all claims of involvement and saying that the reporting is not true?

    Then I stumbled across the Politifact write up on this and it got even more confusing...

    "The VA facility is affiliated with Stanford, but Vainshelboim hasn’t been affiliated with the VA or Stanford since 2016, when he served for a year as a visiting scholar, the university told us.

    Stanford also said it had nothing to do with the article and that it has asked the journal for a correction.

    Vainshelboim identifies himself in his LinkedIn profile as a clinical exercise physiologist, with a doctorate from the University of Porto in Portugal."

    I don't whether to believe Stanford University and Politifact or Dan. Do you see what I mean?

  20. @10:51. What I see is your spending a lot of time trying to prove you are right about masks. So, just wear your mask for however long Joe says to wear it.

    Fact-checking is a joke in American politics as these companies are biased as well.

    The information is from the National Institute of Health.

  21. I'm really just trying to understand it so that I do the right thing. I guess I need to just start reading more blogs and comments people leave on them. Those seem to give me the information that sounds best to me and, therefore, is probably the most correct and accurate. If I don't like the sound of it, there's a good chance that it's not real.

  22. @7:12am. If you choose not to believe the National Institute of Health, that is your choice.

  23. To anon at 10:51p

    Sorry you are entirely missing the point. It does not matter at all what college an idea and it's proof comes from....what you are looking for are interesting ideas, good methodologies used to prove contentions, and the data they generate---THEN if these are interesting ideas, other researchers from many good institutions ( including Stanford) will get compelled to either PROVE OR DISPROVE the findings in this paper. This is how science works.

    Dangerous Socialist propagandists in the American Democratic party and their Propaganda Ministry( the Mainstream News Media) have pushed hard to ELIMINATE any ideas or theories that go against the "Democrat" political agendas and END GAMES. A paper like this appears, and suddenly you want it silenced without anyone even trying to disprove it? Wow... Wow !!!
