Monday, April 26, 2021

Coca Cola CEO is Clueless

‘Get Woke, Go Broke?’ 37% Buying Less Coke

Coca-Cola Humiliated After Poll Shows 1/3 of Black Adults Are Less Likely to Buy Its Products After Condemning GA Election Law

"Coca-Cola was one of the companies that publicly condemned Georgia’s new election integrity law, and the Atlanta-based soft drink bottler may pay a price for getting involved in that controversy.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 37% of American Adults the company’s stand against the new Georgia law makes them less likely to purchase Coca-Cola products."

Read about it...

CEO James Quincey needs to read the bill. "As Heritage Action pointed out in March, the hotly debated bill would do quite the opposite of what the Coca-Cola CEO wants to see in legislation, effectively demolishing our current electoral system."


  1. Corporations and elite celebrities have no knowledge and no business interfering with politics or with what the public wants other than their product. Research will also bring down profits for Coke subsideries.

  2. Only the consumer can teach them that lesson. And maybe the stockholders.

  3. The only corporations allowed to participate in politics are Goya, Chik-Fil-A, Home Depot and MyPillow.

    Everyone else better watch themselves!

  4. Much healthier to have a beer!

  5. Goya, Chik-fil-A and Home Depot have no peers in their respective fields. You can substitute another product or experience, but you are only hurting yourself.

    The same may be true of Coca-Cola. Time will tell, but I know people will not let a political ploy stand in the way of their favorite things for long.

    It's all just media buzz. Don't lose any sleep over it.

  6. As well as being illiterate 4:53!

  7. Goya is the good example of what LEGAL immigration can achieve. An American success story.

  8. @11:33...I see you are as clueless as Coca Cola

  9. @12:33...I was NEVER an immigrant. And the patriarch of Goya came to this country in the 20th century from Spain, first settling in Puerto Rico...and his entire family are U.S. citizens, not immigrants.

  10. That's what I said.

  11. The operative word here is legal, whether it happened yesterday or 200 years ago when US wasn't overcrowded. I'm guessing those who like illegal won't shelter any in their own homes. Google doesn't make one smart.

  12. @3:16...NO it is not what you said. You called me an immigrant. And you are flat WRONG. My grandparents were immigrants coming through Ellis Island. One grandfather's family was in this country for a hundred years or more.

  13. Even most of our palm trees down here are transplants. Mostly everything in Florida came from somewhere else.

    I don't know why you would take issue with that.

  14. @1:01...lets make it simple for you. Look up the meaning of "immigrant." That should solve the difficulty you are experiencing.

  15. It's a question of semantics. I stated that the Goya family were not immigrants. When I said we were all immigrants, I should have said (according to your interpretation of the word)we are all at some point related to an immigrant. I happen to be first generation. Since your grandfather came here, you would be 2nd generation.

    I rather enjoy my connection to another country in the past, and I don't see why that would offend anyone.

  16. @1:37--Obviously it is NOT MY interpretation of the word. Now you are stating what you meant to say in the beginning. Progress!
