Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Brawl at Miami International Airport

Read about it...

The reason stated for the altercation was over some standby seats from MIA to Chicago. There were only three seats left for a group of four.

Jameel Decquir was arrested for allegedly starting the fight.


  1. Goddamn animals. Savages. Everywhere you look, they're fighting and angry and violent.

    Thank you for highlighting these people so much. The world needs to know that there isn't a useful one out the whole bunch of them.

    Keep up the good work.

  2. thank you anon @ 501. Truth. Its all we see anymore.

  3. Airlines are charging too little for tickets. A flight should be something planned and saved for by working persons. That would keep the trash out of our airports.

  4. It's not only the airlines; it's the hotels and all of the tourist attractions that are being destroyed by tourists. There were some people that were so destructive, that Australia wouldn't allow them to come from Britain anymore.

    Once everyone can do it, I'd rather stay home and read about it.
