Thursday, April 29, 2021

Biden's War on America

Biden's War

Of all the institutions of the federal government that leftwing elites have infiltrated and corrupted – from public education to the judiciary to, most recently, the Justice Department, FBI and intelligence agencies – one all-important organization has remained relatively unscathed: The United States military. But that is in danger of radically changing under the Biden administration.

In just the brief period since Joe Biden’s January inauguration, his administration’s radical expansion of perverse Obama-era initiatives is resulting in what amounts to an assault on the American military’s readiness to fight wars and defeat enemies. All in the name of social justice, equity, anti-racism, radical diversity, inclusion, transgender rights, and of course, rooting out legions of “racists” and “white supremacists” that supposedly inhabit the armed forces of the United States. [David Kupelian]

In truth, Biden and the extreme Left have engaged in a war on America in every aspect of our society.

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