Thursday, April 29, 2021

Biden's Socialist Agenda

Biden Pushes Economy Killing Spending Binge, Attacks Republicans for Destroying Democracy

Biden is just like those annoying “free, free, free” commercials for Turbo Tax!

But while Biden was playing Santa Claus, he also plied his cheap, left-wing, attack dog collar on by accusing Republicans of being traitors.

Biden absurdly described the riot on January 6 as “the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.”


1 comment:

  1. Jesus. Such special people we have in Washington. Not a peep on the thousands of businesses burned by BLM and Antifa. Not a peep for all of the people murdered in all of the "fiery but peaceful" protests!. Not a peep about Republicans gunned down by a crazy Bernie fan!Vote these door stops on both sides of the isle out of office.
