Sunday, April 18, 2021

Biden and our National Security

Biden to Let More than 1.2 Million Illegals Into the Country This Year

Princeton Policy Advisor Steven Kopits says that the numbers at the border will surge to the huge number this year according to his estimate.

This massive flood of illegals is a result of Joe Biden’s dangerous border policy.

Read about threat to national security


  1. this is exactly opposite of what all the media, including Fox and OAN, is reporting.

  2.'t believe you even watch Fox or OAN

  3. Because what you said is not true.

  4. I think it is.

    Fox News

    "President Biden is keeping refugee admissions at 15,000 this fiscal year -- the level set at the end of the Trump administration -- despite earlier proposals to dramatically increase it to over 60,000."

    I don't watch a lot of either one of those channels but that's what I've heard. Sorry.

  5. We are talking about a totally different thing. The United States Refugee Admissions Program is not what I am talking about here. It's about illegals crossing the border and entering our country...not the Refugee program.

  6. I apologize for misunderstanding.

    How does anyone know how many people are illegally entering the country? Are they watching them, letting them go and reporting in the activity? If they see them, why aren't they stopping them?

  7. More sneak in than border patrols can count. This is the projected number they believe will be crossing our border.
    The border is not being protected right now due to the 20,000 plus children they have to babysit.

  8. Don't understand how Central Americans can throw away their children. How cruel. Why have them in the first place?

  9. But what are the Border Patrol's projections based on? Are they sitting and watch 5 people come across the border and letting them go and then reporting the number? Why aren't they going after them? Over a million is a lot of people. If the Border Patrol is just sitting and watching them come across and doing nothing but entering the numbers into the computer, something is wrong, I think.

    And if the border isn't being protected, how did they catch the two terrorists I read about the other day?

    I have so many questions because nothing seems to make sense any more.

  10. It's all smoke and mirrors.

  11. People sent their children to England during WWII so they wouldn't be killed by the Nazi's. If we don't know what the circumstances are, it's easy to pass judgement on people.

    What's troubling, is the fact that we don't really know why they are coming. Is it to pick tomato's and kill chickens?

    Actually, the more we look into our phones, the less we know. It's not a crystal ball, it's a dumbing down mechanism.
