Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Basic Income Guaranteed

Los Angeles Mayor Proposes Guaranteed Basic Income Plan

Under the proposal, “2,000 Angeleno families at or below the federal poverty line would receive $1,000 a month for one year, no strings attached.” The outlet also reports, “the $24 million program would be the largest experiment of its kind in the United States” launching as a piece of Garcetti’s “Equity and Justice Budget.”

“We have to end America’s addiction to poverty,” Garcetti stated to the outlet. “For families who can’t think past the next bill, the next shift or the next health problem that they have, we can give them the space to not only dream of a better life, but to actualize it.”

Actually, this is California's addiction to promoting communism in our country and the program is also planned to be open to illegal immigrants.

Read about it...


  1. This "addiction" is how we lived, and we thrived on the example of hard work and sacrifice of our great parents. We learned a lot. There was no instant gratification. We are the lucky ones.

  2. Next bill? They get the bills paid for them!

    Next medical condition? They get free health insurance!

    The reason they cannot live within their needs? Weaves, grills, nails, Louie Vuitton, Nike, etc.

    High priced items are not a right of life, but many think it is.

  3. The Slaves in Civil War America or in much of the world prior to 1820, NEVER had to pay bills or worry about their health care, or where they would live, or anything. Those slaves had their health and living conditions taken care of by their masters, EXACTLY AS the Socialists in America are pushing for this today. When the government controls everything, instead of the individual or by free enterprise, the government becomes the "Slave Master", and the good little communists of America would enjoy their government-paid universal income, universal health care, education for all( at least the education your slave master wants for the masses). A Socialist or Communist Government in America is NOT a Benevolent government, any more than most Slave Owners in the 1800s or before were "benevolent" to their slaves. There was..and is, the ruling class( government/slave owner) and there are the slaves/communist workers.
