Sunday, March 14, 2021

What the Heck is wrong with Coca-Cola?

Maybe they need some good legal advice! Doing too much coke?

Coca-Cola Will Only Hire Law Firms If They Have Enough Black Lawyers

Coca-Cola is taking this “woke” nonsense to a whole new level. And you know what generally happens when a company does something like this: they usually lose a good amount of money before eventually reversing course (however slightly).

Coca-Cola debuted a new policy this year implementing a diversity quota for the outside counsel it retains, saying it will only hire law firms that commit to providing 15 percent of billed time from black attorneys, higher than the percentage of African Americans in the U.S. population.

African American attorneys make up just five percent of all U.S. lawyers, the American Bar Association reported last year.

Read about it...


  1. This is unsustainable. Coca-Cola is bottled poison unhealthy.

  2. stop drinking the poison

  3. We will only watch pro sports team with 50% whites. Sound racist?

  4. I see ads that recommend coke for cleaning the toilet. That is the only use I would have for it.

  5. It's such a shame--I really like Coke especially with pizza!
