Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Voice of Donald Trump NOT ALLOWED on platform says Zuckerberg

Facebook yanked video, saying 'voice of Donald Trump' is not allowed on platform

On Wednesday, Facebook yanked instances of the Trump/Lara Trump interview off its platform, stating that any content "in the voice of Donald Trump" would be scrubbed from the site altogether.

Following the interview, a Facebook employee reportedly messaged several Trump affiliates and warned that any such content would be removed from the platform and that continued infractions could result in "additional limitations on accounts that posted it."

Facebook has a major head problem banning Donald Trump, the best president ever! They even restricted me for 24 hours! You can't be a conservative and especially a Trump supporter in today's whacked out Democrat world. Obviously, they would prefer to see our country destroyed!

Read about it...


  1. It's a pretty simple concept: follow their terms of service (that you agree to when you sign up) and everything is cool.

    There are rules. They are a private company. If you violate the rules, you suffer the consequences.

    Easy stuff for most people.

  2. @7:38--Gee, thanks for the advice. That's why they kicked Lara Trump off today for her interview with President Trump.

  3. platform vs private company!!

    Now lets talk about the baker refusing to bake cake for certain people.

    fb sucks - I surely dont miss it.

  4. Why is anyone still on zukkerfuks platform?????

  5. best advice is if you dont like their rules get off.we did

  6. Only Zukerberg needed FB because he couldn't get a date. Have we forgotten how misogynist he was, rating the college girls on their looks when he had the least to offer? What a schmuck.

  7. @5:41. He has about $107 billion to offer now

  8. He's still a schmuck Lynn!

  9. In your "schmuck" opinion, 7:22. His policies were great for America. Now we have an old guy with dementia who is a puppet for the globalists totally ruining our country. What the H is wrong with you?
