Friday, March 12, 2021

Senator Tim Scott on Trey Gowdy's show

"Less than 10% of the Democrats’ new $2 trillion progressive spending package actually goes to fighting COVID and providing relief to Americans."

This is freaking criminal!


  1. I wish a financial analysis would explain how much this plan will cost us all in tax increases over the next 20 years or so. I bet $1400 taxpayer funded stimulus will cost us 10 fold.

  2. At this juncture, I have to use a Hillary expression: "What difference does it make"

    I can't remember when we weren't a debtor country. If we couldn't pay off the debt when it was in the billions, and now, we can't pay it off in the trillions, how does that affect life for the average American.

    What matters, is that we are able to make the payments.

    When you see them start to refer to US Treasuries as Junk Bonds, then you can worry.

  3. Very happy that we must have a balanced budget in Florida...for all the obvious reasons. It is by Statute, not in our constitution.
