Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Schools indoctrinating students to Far-Left Liberal BS

Local School District Paid Thousands of Dollars for Social-Justice ‘ANTI-WHITE’ Seminar

As Todd Starnes pointed out “One Illinois school district paid diversity consultant Dena Simmons a rate of $175 per minute to lecture on whiteness.” It simply takes your breath away that peddling this manner of badly informed, hyper-partisan, victim mentality reinforcing drivel is worth over $10k per hour.

When so many Americans are unemployed due to insane COVID restrictions or driven out of work by the Biden-Harris regime’s sociopathic “environmental policies” our children are being deluded by hucksters and shills the likes of which would never be tolerated in academia let alone our public school classrooms. But in today’s world, parents are terrified to object so the money rolls in.

Read about the scam and travesty perpetrated by the "unifying" liberals.

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