Monday, March 22, 2021

Porject Iceworm proved the Climate Change hoax

Top Secret Cold War Project Just PROVED Climate Change Is Nonsense!

In 1966 a Top Secret Cold War Military Project called Project Iceworm was a covert mission to build a massive underground nuclear base providing a platform for hundreds of nuclear warheads targeting the Soviet Union.

It sounds like something out of a James Bond movie: a secret military operation hidden beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet. But that’s exactly what transpired at Camp Century during the Cold War.

"In 1959, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers built the subterranean city under the guise of conducting polar research—and scientists there did drill the first ice core ever used to study climate. But deep inside the frozen tunnels, the corps also explored the feasibility of Project Iceworm, a plan to store and launch hundreds of ballistic missiles from inside the ice.

The Project was generally a bust, but it did yield unexpected fruit that sat in a freezer for almost sixty years: ice cores that held a treasure trove of fossilized plants. They could be the key to unraveling the decades old Climate Change hoax, and ending the Biden-Harris regime’s relentless attacks on American Energy."

Read about it...

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