Thursday, March 18, 2021

Palm Beach Mobile Home Park - Lake Worth Code Cracking down

Lake Worth Beach gentrification purge now targeting low-income seniors in mobile home park

Two years after Lake Worth Beach code enforcers targeted poor migrant workers in a mobile home community, the city is now coming after another trailer park filled with low-income senior citizens.

The ongoing crackdown is part of an orchestrated campaign to gentrify Lake Worth Beach and drive out the city’s neediest residents, locals and housing advocates allege. The seven-square-mile city’s desire to move on up even led voters, at the urging of city leaders, to separate itself from unincorporated area and its higher crime statistics by adding “Beach” to its name on March 12, 2019.

Read about it...

At 74 years old I shouldn’t have to deal with this bullshit,” said Jerri Greene, president of the Mobile Home Park Association.

Lake Worth mayor, Betty Resch, said she could not comment on the Palm Beach Mobile Home Park code enforcement crackdown. “I will certainly take a look at it.”


  1. This is nothing but a hit piece.

  2. Yeah, code enforcement coming after poor seniors. Why not call Jerri Greene and talk with her personally.

  3. To what extent are the people in the Mobile Home Park responsible for the condition of the unit. Do they have a fee simple interest? Are they able to attach it to a vehicle and drive it away? Or, are they renting the unit from either the person they pay the ground rent to, or some other landlord?

    I have no idea, and that is why I am asking.

  4. This sounds to me like the trio who have just all been voted out. They were very pro development at any price, and yes this does not surprise me. More dirty tricks just keep coming. Just got a flyer screaming misleading statements made years ago about one of our candidates in our run-off election this Tuesday March 23. Put out bY a dark money organization: Keeping Citizens First, Inc. Type: Electioneering Communications Organization. Status: Active. Address: 6901 Okeechobee Blvd. Suite D5-L66 West Palm Beach. I smell more development big $$$ hiding unnamed contributions very unhappy their puppets in government lost the election. I called to find out who paid for this and would not give out any information. We need to actively stop this property theft and undo the damage when outside developers buy governments. VOTE!!!

  5. Dark money hit are right. Rick Asnani...everyone knows how adept he is at sleazy mailers.

  6. @3:04--they rent the lot where their home is situated. Most of the homes are not "mobile" per se but manufactured homes.

  7. I do remember when the trio used $8 million of our taxes to put in their Park of Commerce, directly across the street from these residences. Chris McVoy was the only one who spoke up for the people in this trailer park, saying that if he was living there he would certainly be worried about if his home would be rezoned for development. The other commissioners were unconcerned. This sounds like a land grab that they don't have the zoning to do, will probably take 2-3 years to complete which is why they changed their terms to 3 years. If they can't develop through the front door, I think they are trying to just force all the people out with code violations. Confiscate their homes to possibly continue with another huge project they have planned with their developer donors. These are the forces that represent developers and not Citizens. VOTE

  8. Maybe we should worry if we are safe in our own homes. Not long ago they rezoned a row of private homes near the bridge for business because one owner requested it who had connections with 4 of 5 in our City government.

  9. Well, before we jump to conclusions, let's see what the code enforcement issues are. Maybe some of the issues are the responsibility of the owner of the land. Do the Manufactured Homes have a dug foundation? This is not a simple issue like owning a house on a street that most of us are used to. I'm sure Betty will look at all of the documents and make decisions on legal grounds, and not trumped up charges by the city and developers.

    And, maybe some of codes issues are about safety. Every year, the city comes to our condo and makes us spend large sums of money on fire department issues that they didn't even know about the previous year.

    All of these things are usually on ballots, but nobody reads them or votes.

  10. Code is being used as a weapon here.Every day I see violations. If it's not in a prime money location code does nothing. Citizens should have ordered the repair of S. C and D streets years ago. Driving through there is like being tossed around.

  11. I do recall several elections back there was a demonstration in front of City Hall concerning this same trailer park. The problem then was an abrupt change in how their trash had always been collected. As I remember that change would have made it almost impossible for some to now comply with that change because many are also disabled. Oh yeah, that was right before an election then too. To me these are real human issues about the right to have a stable home. This does not look like College Park, but all homes looked well cared for and their neighborhood leader was well informed. If you are disabled in most cases the places where you can live are more limited, and the ability to still live independently in your own home is one of the most important factors in your health and happiness. I have a close friend in similar situation.
