Friday, March 26, 2021

New Liberal Commission has first meeting

Now I don't mind one or two liberals but the entire dais? This is what happens when a city has liberal commissioners who set policy and their own agenda. We get to hear all the BS.

At 45:17 into the video, Kimberly Stokes brings up Atlanta, Asians, White Supremacy and Racism. We don't have these problems in Lake Worth. Please concentrate on Lake Worth issues.

Around 1:05 our new mayor wants a day devoted to "Diversity." Don't we have enough when 40% of our city is White? Now we have to honor the diversity? Why? She also mentioned that on April 3 on the steps of city hall at noon, there will be a Bangladesh Day and they will speak out against violence of Asians.

Do we have this problem in our city? Or is this another excuse by liberals to feature a situation that does not exist like systemic racism that Omari Hardy always insisted we had.


  1. Just clicked on the video and noticed it was very long. anything else of interest?

  2. Do we have Asians in our town? I thought everyone was Spanish.

  3. this is the sort of crap that pisses me off.

  4. The only Bengali's' I ever see are in Dunkin Donuts. They are generally very friendly, and make good coffee.

    Bangladesh is a very poor country, but they still manage to supply us with plenty of doctors and nuclear scientists. In case you might not know it, they were just part of India until the Partition.

  5. Hey Mayor, how about holding a LAKE WORTH CITIZEN day? Time that we ALL come together and stopped letting IDIOTS like Kimberley Stokes and the rest of this parade of racists sitting on the dais divide us by the color of our skin,not our character! NOT A GREAT START.

  6. Thank you! I was waiting for someone to bring up their inaccuracies. I thought the commission was going to move our city forward, not look back at previous and blame everything on them. I guess they are bubbling biden want-a-bees.

    Email them all your concerns. Each and everyone of us. That way, they won't have time to make up fake issues.

  7. How did Chris Mcvoy do?

  8. I'm getting sick and tired of elections. Somehow, the wrong people are always getting elected. We need to try to make sure the right people are going to get elected. The ones that will look out for us, the people who represent America and always have. I bet there's too many wrong people voting in Lake Worth. Who's with me?

  9. This new commission says that’s exactly what they will do—let’s see what they do. They are involved already. Let’s rebuild our pool and keep our beach park in our control... no long term leases on a public/private partnership

  10. They said their is a pool at the high school and one a little further west on Lake Worth Rd?

    Why do they want to bus the little kids of color (Malega's quote) so Far East, when they can walk to the high school? Lets operate 2 pools!

  11. @8:31...that pool belongs to the High school. Why does anyone have the right to assume that the public has the right to use it? The city can figure it out and use school buses to take children to our pool at the beach for lessons, etc. We also have a bus that goes to our beach.

  12. I am not disagreeing with using the pool for lessons. BUT, if we can use "school buses", why can't we use the "school pool"?

    I think it would be nice to have the high school pool or the other one out west open to our kids. It would be great to be able to use the pool in your neighborhood (if you choose) with friends from your neighborhood.

    At lease have the alternative pools operating until the beach pool is under going repairs.

  13. @7:13...I don't know that we can use school buses for transport. It was just an idea. Figure out a pass for children to use the county bus at a fair cost to take them to a public pool like Lake Lytal that is $3.5 plus tax for kids 3 to 12. The high school pool shouldn't be forced to open for little kids unless there is some sort of agreement with the city and the school. It's a big liability issue for one thing. Costs are involved, lifeguards, etc. Everyone is in a hurry to solve something that is not a crisis.

  14. I am agreeing with you. I would like for them to think of several different solutions, then choose the right one (not the easy one, the right one)!!

  15. pool at school should be public.taxes pay for it.put crossing guard on each end of bridge and let kids walk to beach.walking worked good for many many also might help with obesity

  16. I remember when that pool was built. As a young kid in the 50's, 7th grade, I sold magazine subscriptions to help raise money to build it. We, the residents of LW, are the only ones who paid for this pool was a volunteer resident effort.

    Hey, is the school still paying the city to use the ball parks? Get a copy of the contract.

  17. I was told by someone who would know, that the new aspirants to the Commission went door to door asking for votes.

    This is what it takes to win elections. What is that saying?

    If you snooze, you lose.

    I can only conclude that the town doesn't care. It's probably about the same ratio that voted when they changed the name to LWB.

  18. Christopher was the only candidate who came through my community.

  19. As the general population of Florida has about 70% that can't is reasonable to suggest that we could have a similar number of non-swimmers at the Lake Worth Beach. If you want to FIX the ridiculousness of not knowing how to swim, when you live surrounded by this world-class resource ( our beach, reefs for snorkeling, etc) , then why not have a Pool RIGHT THERE where all these non-swimmers can be INCENTIVIZED to learn how to swim...while the problem is right in front of them. A pool 30 minutes West is out of sight and out of mind...and will do little or nothing to deal with the non-swimming issue. That just scratches the surface of the issues. Our Beach pool could make money quite easily beyond just the swim lessons, if it was managed by people in aquatics, rather than by a town government with no background in knowing how to manage a pool. This is why the pool lost money for so many decades--massive failures of town government to use the amazing pool resource properly. And again, this is EASY to FIX.

  20. all the new people came thru my area even chris

  21. @5:03...what about Pam, Scott and Andy?

  22. not one of the 3 came thru our area
