Sunday, March 21, 2021

Kamala says we are a "Violent and Racist country"

Kamala Harris Trashes America as a Violent and Racist Country

Although the shooter in Atlanta had a sex addiction, that didn't stop Kamala from jumping to some ridiculous conclusion, using the race card again--

And the false narrative about systemic racism continues and Democrats go along nodding their heads in the affirmative. Such BS. We expect much, much more from our elected "leaders."


  1. We have no way of knowing if Atlanta was a turf war between Asian gangs using our lying media against us. They're nothing if not clever.

  2. 10:38 has a good point. There have been studies done that prove that Asians have slanty eyes because they're always thinking so hard. Wait until the investigation uncovers that the shooter was hired by gang bangers to shoot up those places. That's coming. Watch.

  3. Trashy United States!!! She is the trashy part.

  4. When's the last time you saw any white person committing a crime (besides last week in Atlanta, of course)? Our jeans are different and it's just in minorities DNA to commit crimes.
