Saturday, March 6, 2021

Judge Orders New Election

Judge Orders New Election After ASTONISHING 78% of Mail-in Ballots Proved Fraudulent — People Arrested

The Democrats still want to pretend as though nothing funny happened in the November election, but we’re not dumb.

In Mississippi, they found that in one city, the results were proven to be a lie because 78% of the mail-in votes were determined to be fraudulent.

Read about it...


  1. The rest of the story...

    "A headline widely shared on Facebook stated: "Massive 78% of mail-in ballots proved fraudulent, judge orders election do-over."

    It wasn’t the election you might have been thinking about.

    A judge ordered a new election for an aldermanic seat in a small Mississippi city after ruling that 78% of the 84 absentee ballots cast for that seat contained irregularities. The judge also found "significant evidence of fraud" on the part of two people who notarized paperwork for absentee ballots and ordered one arrested."

  2. Thank you...there was proven voter fraud.
    Does it matter that it was a "small" town or Atlanta, Georgia. Fraud is fraud.

  3. You're right, fraud is fraud.

    But to imply there was massive fraud in the November presidential election simply because there was massive fraud in an alderman's election in a small town in Mississippi makes zero sense.

  4. It happened in the General Election as well.

  5. Of course it happened! No way babbling biden won anything.

  6. You better not cash that stimulus check, Anon @ 4:15. If Biden didn't win anything, you're cashing a fraudulent check. Give it to someone else. I mean, if you REALLY think Biden didn't win, right?

  7. 9:29 - I dont qualify for the stimulus check from babbling biden.

    But thank you for your concern. Now lets turn concerns into something productive. I hear Lake Worth High School is in need of 1 Subject notebooks. Your babbling biden check could do some good there.

  8. A few days before November 3rd, Biden stated that he had created the greatest election fraud system ever.

  9. @10:48...he did indeed! And it worked.
