Thursday, March 4, 2021

GOP is Strong

Obama Official Admits The GOP Is Strong & The Dems Are Toast In 2022 Unless They ‘Create States’

A former Obama strategist gave a very detailed interview with New York Magazine warning Democrats that if they don’t create states and gerrymander they are toast in 2022.

David Shor, former Obama strategist, believes that current trends spell doom for Democrat’s well past the 2022 midterms and there is only one solution to not lose power; create new states and redistrict.

And you can bet that Democrats will use every trick in their playbook for power.

Read about it...


  1. If Biden was smart he would get 4 or 500 BLM and antifa loyalists to attack a government building in DC...let's just say the Capitol Building...and take some causalities in order to scare politicians into helping him retain power. There's nothing more patriotic, right, and I'm sure Democrats would love him even more for doing it.

    What do you think?

  2. @7:21...since you asked...I think you are a dope!

  3. 7-21 better be careful how far they go with their ideas
