Tuesday, March 23, 2021

FBI Looking for Prominent Trump supporters to blame for Capitol Riot

Liberals Going After ROGER STONE Yet AGAIN!

Democrats just don't quit

The Justice Department and FBI are investigating whether high-profile Trump supporters — including Roger Stone and Alex Jones — may have played a role in the Jan. 6 Capitol breach as part of a broader look into “the mind-set of those who committed violence and their apparent paths to radicalization,” according to people familiar with the investigation.

In other words, Stone and Jones did nothing wrong, but the Lefties will still waste time and money on an investigation. Let's just hope it doesn't cost the taxpayer $40 million like the Russian Hoax investigation.

FBI and Justice are NOT thinking but only looking for any prominent Trump supporter to blame for a few hundred, out of thousands who were at the Capitol on January 6, protesting voter fraud and who caused the mayhem.

Read about it...

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