Monday, March 29, 2021

DHS Alejandro Mayorkas fires most of Homeland Security Council

DHS Head Purges Homeland Security Advisory Council, Ousting All Trump-Era Appointees

After taking office, President Joe Biden moved quickly to reverse most of the immigration policies of former President Donald Trump, proposed a pathway to citizenship for millions of people in the United States unlawfully, and promised reforms that would “create a humane asylum system.”

It's an utter mess at our border. Dismantling and firing the members on our Homeland Security Council, WHEN YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE A PLAN, is shocking. He won't even tell us what the biden administration's "mission" is to secure our country.

This is the biggest surge at our border in 20 years. 700% capacity at some facilities housing illegals. This is a CRSIS at our border whether the Democrats want to admit that or not and Joe is NOT the man to lead.

Read about it...

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