Saturday, March 20, 2021

Democrat Child Court Judge Arrested on Child Porn

Child Court Judge, Ex-Head Of LGBT Group That Promoted Drag Queen Story Hour, Arrested On Child Porn Charges

A Wisconsin Children’s Court judge, Brett Blomme, who previously headed up an LGBTQ organization that fundraised for “drag queen story hour” among other programs, was arrested Tuesday on “tentative” charges of possession of child pornography.

Blomme was “elected to the court in the spring 2020 election, defeating incumbent Milwaukee County Circuit Judge Paul Dedinsky, an appointee of former Republican Gov. Scott Walker. In that contest, the state Democratic Party donated more than $10,000 to Blomme’s campaign.” Blomme offered himself as the “progressive alternative” to Dedinksy.

Just proves, Democrats will elect anyone as long as it's a Democrat. And this is why it is very difficult for me to vote for a Democrat even on a local level...different breed of cat.

Read about the sick perverted Judge

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