Friday, March 5, 2021

Deep State Targets Roger Stone

They are Going After Roger Stone…AGAIN

“The Justice Department and FBI are investigating potential ties between those physically involved in the attack on the Capitol and individuals who may have influenced them, such as Roger Stone, Alex Jones and Stop the Steal organizer Ali Alexander,” said a U.S. official, who, like others, spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a pending matter.

Again, Democrats are using their power to find a crime against people they don't like just like the Russian Collusion hoax. It's time to stop the steal of taxpayer money for these fantasy investigations.

Trump pardoned Roger Stone in December. Stone at the time thanked President Trump "for righting the injustice of my conviction in a Soviet-style show trial, which featured the epic bias of the judge who withheld exculpatory evidence from my defense, misconduct by the jury forewoman and substantial misconduct by the prosecutors."

Read about it...

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