Sunday, March 21, 2021

China Slams United States for being weak

China Smacks Down Biden Admin On World Stage

Slams US For Being Weak, Claims US Has Violated Human Rights Against BLM

"Now that Biden is in the White House and America is in Obama’s third term, the US is now shrinking back into being spineless and weak. Biden’s foreign affairs representatives are American apologists who despise the very country they represent.

Anytime they meet with foreign leaders and officials they waste no time apologizing for how awful the US is and kowtowing to whatever agenda they’re presented with. It’s pathetic."

Read about it...


  1. Well, we had it coming to us. Our holier than thou preaching to World Leaders might come to an end now.

    The hypocrisy in these little lectures we give other countries; countries with an entirely different ethos than the US has finally had its' comeuppance.

  2. Really? Biden is rolling over to our number one enemy and you think it’s because we deserve it?

  3. Sorry Lynn! We're not the big dog anymore. Deal with it.

  4. @6:57...I see you LOVE America...typical Democrat. Tell Biden to deal with it. China's already eaten his lunch.

  5. Russia and China know what they're talking about. We need to start paying more attention to what they have to say and less from our government. It's easier to trust them then the Dems in DC.

  6. @7:33...the socialists, communists and globalists have taken over our country. Republicans need to fight like crazy to save our country from the crazies allowed to be in control by the uninformed voter. I find it hard pressed to even speak to a Semocrat.

  7. The democrats are trying to ruin America.

    Each and every one of them have so much hate, they think we all deserve what abuse China will give us.


  8. Democrats will be the demise of democracy.

    Socialist States of America (soon).

  9. China and Russia will not abuse the US. They are interested in making us stronger and we need to join them to defeat the Democrats!

  10. @7:37---LOL I have seen a lot of wild comments on this blog but that one takes the cake! Biden is not clever enough nor is his administration to contain China or Russia. China's goal is world domination and to bring down the U.S.

  11. Yes, but we need to keep rooting for them to make Biden look weak so that Republicans can get back in power. The best way to do that is to make China and Russia look crafty and smarter than America, that way Republicans can win again. We really need to do everything we can to help them with this because it helps us!

  12. So you want Biden to look strong? You want him to be successful? You don't want Republicans to win again? Why?

    Look, I want Republicans to come back. We need them. I thought we were on the same page after reading this writing. It looked like you wanted China to look better than Biden, but I guess I was wrong. People like you never learn.
