Friday, March 26, 2021

Biden wants to Ban Assault Weapons

Biden: Ban ‘assault weapons’, high capacity magazines immediately!

I can't talk about this enough!

Democrats/Liberals are always going bananas when it comes to a shooting in our country. The very first thing that they want to do is put constraints on guns, assault weapons in particular. If they could, they would take them away and make them all illegal for the general populace.

"President Joe Biden called on Congress to “immediately pass” legislation that would close loopholes in gun background checks and ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines in his first public remarks after a mass shooting at a grocery store in Boulder, Colorado, killed 10 people.

“I don’t need to wait another minute, let alone an hour, to take common-sense steps that will save the lives in the future and to urge my colleagues in the House and Senate to act,” Biden said Tuesday, speaking from the White House State Dining Room.

"Handguns are the most common weapon type used in mass shootings in the United States, with a total of 143 different handguns being used in 95 incidents between 1982 and March 2021. These figures are calculated from a total of 121 reported cases over this period, meaning handguns are involved in about 78 percent of mass shootings." [Statista Research]


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