Saturday, March 20, 2021

Biden Stumbles 3 times

Sad to watch--

"The 78-year-old Biden stumbled multiple times while boarding Air Force One en route to Atlanta.

He first tripped about halfway up the stairs and then tripped again before he briefly fell on his knee." [westernjournal] said the stumbling is "the latest in a string of incidents which raise concern over the president's health and comes a day after he referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as "President Harris.'"


  1. Those stairs must be tough. Pence fell, too, remember?

  2. You guys are so pathetic. Why not just admit you made a horrible choice.
    Biden was walking way too fast up the stairs trying to show the world how fit he is and it backfired big time.

  3. Even Gerald Ford A.K.A. Klumsy Kadoodle had it together more than this guy! Biden is suffering from dementia. The clenched hands, lost look of panic. Not able to speak. This is pitiful and very very dangerous for the entire world. Kamala,who got less than 1% in the Democratic primary is now going to be shoved down our throats as "America's choice for president"??? Biden is withering before our eyes.

  4. Any Nancy is chomping on her bit.

  5. Watch blubbering biden walk to the stairs. He walks as if his shoes are too big for him (literally).

    Figuratively, he has huge shoes to fill after we had Trump.

  6. I'm wondering if it's his tailor. It could happen to anybody, but it didn't, it happened to Biden, and therefore just adds to the clamor about his cognitive abilities.

    What was stranger than tripping, was that he started out running.

    Definitely not a good look!
