Friday, March 5, 2021

Biden "Losing It" - The Missing President

“Representatives, uh, Shirley Jackson Lee, Al Green, Sylvia Garcia, Lizzie Pannili, uh, excuse me,” Biden said and winced. “Pannell, and uh, what am I doing here?” he said. Good question.

It's no wonder his handlers have put off his State of the Union address. And what could he possibly say when he has put America Last?


  1. Imagine what the world is thinking now. First we had obuma who though he was king, then we had Trump who put America first, now blubbering biden who can not complete a coherent sentence.

    Sad that the DNC thought this was the right choice. They could have put in someone with more brain cells. Maybe a snail.

  2. Dems are setting it up to discard Biden so they can have first "black" female. That no one voted for her is irrelevant. To them.

  3. Alex Jones had a report on today that they found Biden walking around the outside of the White House last night in bare feet. He had to be escorted back to his room by the Secret Service.

    We need Trump back again. We never had to worry about things like this. And if Democrats ever got out of line, he sent the Proud Boys in to take care of things. Trump is the only leader America should ever have. Trump For Life!!!
