Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Biden Empowering the Criminal Cartels at our Border

Turns out Joe Biden is making MILLIONS per day for human traffickers at the border

Because of Joe Biden’s horrific border policies, these drug cartels and human traffickers are now making millions per day according to border patrol sources.>br />
We have all heard that the situation at the southern border is close to reaching critical mass, and the left is doing all they can do to push that frightening fact under the rug. However, they won’t be able to do that much longer now that Democratic Texas Rep. Henry Cuellar has released new photos of what the inside of a Biden detention facility looks like.

Of course, the Biden administration is desperately trying to cover this up but now Axios has got a hold of these damning photos. The photos show a rapidly deteriorating situation as the border continues to be overwhelmed due to Biden’s reversal of Trump policies.

More on this...

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