Sunday, March 28, 2021

Biden confused on the tarmac

Over the weekend, a video showed Biden on a tarmac with Vice President Kamala Harris. At first, it looks like any normal meet and greet. But then, all of a sudden Biden looks really confused.

He starts to wander back and forth as agents try to direct him in the right direction. Eventually, Kamala Harris points her boss in the right direction and pats him on the back. They all have to treat him like a child. That's because they are using him as a puppet. [steadfastclash]


  1. Someone sent me this video and if you look real close you can tell it isn't even Biden. It's a stand in. You can tell the way he walks that it's an actor. Look for yourself and tell me if you don't agree.

    The word is that Biden died last week and was buried on Wednesday at Arlington in a secret funeral. Pictures are coming out, according to Project Veritas and Laura Loomer.

  2. Masks are great covers. First I've heard of this conspiracy theory. :) Don't believe it though.

  3. Just looked up the heights of Pres & v.P.
    Joe is 6.0 and Kamala is 5.3. Add 4 more inches for her high heels gets her to around 5.7. That puts her in the range here.
