Friday, March 12, 2021

Another Punk caught in Lake Worth

Burglar captured on live feed in Lake Worth Beach, suspect arrested minutes later

If it's not nailed down, someone will steal it. That is the way of the world right now. People are so accustomed to liberal hand-outs that they believe they can take what they please.

Just a few weeks ago, I had two bungee cords on our back wall to use when we wanted the doors to stay opened...they were stolen! So, it's everything from a value of $1.60 on up to grand larceny.

Read about the punk who has asked for a lawyer! LOL

1 comment:

  1. Soon to be reading:

    "He's a good boy! He didnt do anything wrong! You all are racist!"

    Charges dropped due to racial profiling of ex-police officer who was fired because he is racist.

    All kids make mistakes, as this one did. BUT, they all need to learn there are consequences for their actions. If this is quickly forgiven, his lesson learned will be, its ok to take what you want.
