Monday, March 15, 2021

After fully vaccinated, "go back to normal"

Johns Hopkins professor slams 'absurdly restrictive' CDC guidelines

After you get both doses of vaccines, 'go back to normal'

“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has lost a lot of credibility during the Covid-19 pandemic by being late or wrong on testing, masks, vaccine allocation and school reopening,” said the op-ed’s author, Dr. Marty Makary, a professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.



  1. that's not what Joe says

  2. There is no normal for these people anymore. They weren't normal to begin with. They like the restrictions, they like being told what to do. They are too stupid to make decisions for themselves. Just like dumb animals. A cow has more feeling and direction of where it is going. This is the end result of social media. Or maybe it even gets worse.

  3. too many people talking to news so who knows what to beleive

  4. Joe doesn't say anything! That's a sock puppet up there!

  5. Let people do what they want. Darwin will sort it out.

  6. I agree in principle 8:01, but I think China will beat Darwin in the short run.
