Saturday, February 13, 2021

Trump Acquitted!

Trump acquitted for second time!

The Senate found Trump not guilty of inciting insurrection after a majority of Republicans voted against convicting the former president.

The seven GOP senators who voted to convict Trump on Saturday were: Richard Burr of North Carolina, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Mitt Romney of Utah, Ben Sasse of Nebraska and Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania.

Read about it...


  1. We knew he would be acquitted.

  2. Now Debbie Wasserman Schultz wants to go for a Censure. These people just won't quit.

  3. Only president who has been impeached twice in history.

    That will always be the history of Donald Trump.

  4. @8:05...The history will show that the Democrats falsely charged him and went against the Constitution. Democrats will go down as vindictive, petty, hateful and stupid politicians who put our country through hell for 4+ years.

  5. "went against the Constitution"


  6. Jesus Christ, 8:35! Want an explanation? Go pick up a copy of the Constitution. Have somebody read it to you !

  7. MAGA ! Trump now will get EIGHT MORE YEARS !!! Thank you Democrats!!!

  8. I'm waiting, Lynn.

    Maybe your knowledgeable "anonymous" commenters can help me out. What part of the Constitution did they go against? You made the statement. Simply point me to the relevant section.

    Easy stuff, right?

  9. have to be the most annoying Democrat.
    ‘Judgment in cases of impeachment’‘shall not extend further than to removal from office.’ What is so hard about that? Which of those words are unclear? … President Trump is no longer in office. The object of the Constitution has been achieved. He was removed by the voters.”
    And you guys NEVER proved he incited anything. Senate did NOT convict.

  10. Although you didn't cite it, that is Article I, Section 3, Clause 7.

    So...what does that say, Lynn? Think about it hard. Think about it longer than the time it took you to read on some right wing blog and then copy and paste it.

    What it says is that the most severe judgment that can be rendered by impeachment is removal from office.

    Trump was impeached while in office. Impeachment was over. The Senate's action was determine whether, in their opinion, he was guilty or whether he should be acquitted. They chose the latter.

    The Senate voted and agreed before the proceedings that the hearings were constitutional. That question was resolved.

    Trump is the only twice impeached President in history. It's a fact. There's nothing unconstitutional about it.

    He also was acquitted twice by the Senate. I hate that's the case. But it is and I just can't make things up that make it any different.

  11. It was all Democrat politics at its worse. Democrats impeached and the Senate acquitted both times. You had NO case if you listened to Trump's lawyers. There are two sides to this farce.
    so now, go away.

  12. Anony at 9:09 the truth of the matter is it was a failed attempt to hurt Trump and put him out of action forever. Democrats are desperate to the point of insanity. Of course they impeached. It's done in the House where Democrats have a clear majority. It's getting smaller though, and by the way, Democrats stole this election. Everyone knows that, even you. All of you are liars, cheaters and immoral reprobates.

  13. 9:09 so sorry you're filled with hate. Do something useful,turn off the lies of the MSM and help your neighbors. Volunteer at the Mayan center. This morning Democrats are continually lying, saying Trump is "guilty" they wasted funds on this circus. No he is not guilty, no he is not impeached.

  14. Lynn, the comment I made addressed you claiming that it was unconstitutional. You explained you why you thought it was and I offered a counter.

    That's discourse. That's conversation. We don't have to agree but we have to be opening to each other's reasoning.

    I'm not sure why that is so difficult for you. Not sure why it's like pulling teeth here. But I think it's healthy and it helps each side understand a little better how the "other side" sees things.

    I appreciate the fact that at least this time you didn't call me names and demean me. I really don't expect it to continue because that's not your nature but it was a refreshing change this morning.

  15. Look, this blog is not about sparring back and forth with a Democrat...too busy for that. OK? We are never going to agree on anything. So, I invite you to go to a Democrat blog...there must be some.

  16. The Constitution, like the Bible, and the Condo Docs, is a document subject to interpretation.

    Whoever is holding the cards, wins the day!

  17. 2:28 exactly how Dems continue their lies with the help of operative "journalists" it's all magical interpretation.

  18. Don't blame me! If I had written these documents, they would have been more straightforward. No interpretation required.
